Doña Isabel de Pernía, Former Colonist
It appears that Isabel Pernía was born in Cartagena, Spain, around 1560, to Juan Rascon and Catalina de Rascon. In 1585, she was married to Alonso de Pareja, a native of Seville, and the two of them traveled to Peru in 1598.1
It is not known how Pernía spent her time in South America, but by 1622, she had become a fairly wealthy woman, shipping over 200 pounds of silver in the form of two ingots and assorted silverware.2
1Alonso de Pareja, AGI, CONTRATACION, 5256, N.2,R.41.
2Lyon, Eugene, translator (n.d.) Silver Bars Registered aboard Nuestra Señora de Atocha and Eastbound Registered Cargo of Nuestra Señora de Atocha, AGI, CONTRATACION, 2211. Copy on file at Mel Fisher Maritime Museum.
It is not known how Pernía spent her time in South America, but by 1622, she had become a fairly wealthy woman, shipping over 200 pounds of silver in the form of two ingots and assorted silverware.2
1Alonso de Pareja, AGI, CONTRATACION, 5256, N.2,R.41.
2Lyon, Eugene, translator (n.d.) Silver Bars Registered aboard Nuestra Señora de Atocha and Eastbound Registered Cargo of Nuestra Señora de Atocha, AGI, CONTRATACION, 2211. Copy on file at Mel Fisher Maritime Museum.